She’s mine not only refers to hand-made popular stars, but also to the ones, ephemeral and disposable who seems to tell “I would like to kindle the whole word just for a moment”.
In that choreographic piece marked by the movida’s spirit, by the love of playfulness and bad taste, the Spanish performer Marta Izquierdo had the opportunity to work with Mark Tompkins y Frans Poelstra as artistic advisors.
Coproduction SACD et Festival d’Avignon, Avec l’aide de La Malterie – Lille, et des Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers.
La poule
Bruno Faucher
Mark Tompkins & Frans Poelstra
The Psycho's Sons (Vincent Alaphilippe, Nicolas Cadet, Manuel Coursin, Samuel Pajand)
March 6, 2021