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TWIRL! conference-performance around the majorette

This is not a university conference, but an artistic gesture produced by our research around the figure of the majorette and nourished by successive encounters throughout our IMAGO-GO creation project.

This conference is then a formal device, a full-fledged project which, from the apparent structure of a conference, opens up to freer performative spaces where socio-historical explanations do not prevent a certain dose of absurdity, or a few shifts to less identifiable moments …

For each presentation we will contact, with the help of the venue, personalities from the world of the majorette. These people could in turn share their experience, the question of majorette choreography and its transmission; or even perform if it is active majorettes (or former majorettes who have kept control).


Conception, chorégraphie


Eric Martin, Angèle Micaux et une troupe de majorettes locales (ou d'anciennes majorettes)
